Usdview Prman successes on various platforms?

Would people please post success stories about building and running recent versions of usdview (v24.0x) with Prman renderer support (RenderMan 25 or 26) on various platforms.

In particular, how do you overcome some of the following issues:

  1. Windows:
    1.1. Issue 2928

  2. Linux:
    2.1. Building/running on RHEL8+/EL8+, and particularly…
    2.2. …avoiding the EL8 recommendations from issue 2805 and building for cxx11-abi (without _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0) and with OpenColorIO?

  3. MacOS:
    3.1. Issue 3210 (apologies for a missing link, being new to the forum I am allowed only 2 links per post).
    3.2. Should arm64 builds succeed? Has anyone moved past building everything in x86_64 mode, as described eloquently by @gracien-app in issue 2559?

Thank you in advance for all the encouraging news. :slightly_smiling_face: