Failing to properly connect prman plugin

I’m attempting to build USD with Prman and it’s successfully building, but when I attempt to open the viewer using Prman renderer it fails to connect.

My system:
Windows 10
OpenUSD v23.08
Python 3.9.13
Prman 25.2

I’ve setup RMANTREE env variable to the correct location, and paths to RenderManProServer-25.2\bin, but it’s still not being recognized for some reason.

Here’s my build call (finishes without errors), run fromx64 Native Command Prompt 2017 :

python %USD_REPO_DIR%\build_scripts\ --build-monolithic --no-examples --no-tests --no-docs --no-python-docs --debug-python --ptex --openvdb --embree --prman --prman-location “C:\Program Files\Pixar\RenderManProServer-25.2” --openimageio --alembic --hdf5 --no-draco --materialx %USD_BUILD_ROOT%

Here’s the error log from usdview. The view panel stays black, while this prints to the terminal:

PS path\to\USD-Render> usdview --renderer Prman .\test_scene.usda
Warning: in Load at line 112 of path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\imaging\plugin\hdPrmanLoader\rendererPlugin.cpp – Could not load versioned hdPrman backend: The specified module could not be found.

ERROR: Usdview encountered an error while updating selection.
Error in ‘pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdImagingGLEngine::SetRendererPlugin’ at line 976 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘Invalid plugin id or plugin is unsupported: HdPrmanLoaderRendererPlugin’
Error in ‘pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdImagingGLEngine’ at line 208 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘No renderer plugins found!’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “path\to\USD\usd_build\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\”, line 1621, in paintGL
renderer = self.getRenderer()
File “path\to\USD\usd_build\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\”, line 943, in getRenderer
self.renderer = UsdImagingGL.Engine()
Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved
::UsdImagingGLEngine::SetRendererPlugin’ at line 976 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘Invalid plugin id or plugin is unsupported: HdPrmanLoaderRendererPlugin’
Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved
_::UsdImagingGLEngine’ at line 208 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘No renderer plugins found!’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “path\to\USD\usd_build\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\”, line 1621, in paintGL
renderer = self.getRenderer()
File “path\to\USD\usd_build\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\”, line 943, in getRenderer
self.renderer = UsdImagingGL.Engine()
Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved
::UsdImagingGLEngine::SetRendererPlugin’ at line 976 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘Invalid plugin id or plugin is unsupported: HdPrmanLoaderRendererPlugin’
Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved
_::UsdImagingGLEngine’ at line 208 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘No renderer plugins found!’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “path\to\USD\usd_build\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\”, line 1621, in paintGL
renderer = self.getRenderer()
File “path\to\USD\usd_build\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\”, line 943, in getRenderer
self.renderer = UsdImagingGL.Engine()
Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved
::UsdImagingGLEngine::SetRendererPlugin’ at line 976 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘Invalid plugin id or plugin is unsupported: HdPrmanLoaderRendererPlugin’
Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved
_::UsdImagingGLEngine’ at line 208 in file path\to\USD\OpenUSD\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : ‘No renderer plugins found!’