USD build error

Hello again everyone! I asked this question in the old forum already but then noticed that this new one excists so here’s the same question again.

I’m completely new to programming so sorry in advance if this question seems dumb for you.

I’ve been working with USD for the last months and wanted to be able to render my assets in USDview with renderman.
I tried to execute the as explained in the docs: python --prman --prman-location RMANTREE --opencolorio “D:\USD\BUILD”

Everything seems to work: PRMan and OpenColorIO are turned on and a build and src directory are created in the specifide directory.
But it failes because of this error: ERROR: Failed to run ‘cmake --build . --config Release --target install – -j16’
See D:\USD\BUILD\build\zlib-1.2.11\log.txt for more details.

When I look in the log file it says a similar error in the end: cmake --build . --config Release --target install – -j16
MSBuild-Version 17.7.2+d6990bcfa f�r .NET Framework
MSBUILD : error MSB1001: Unbekannter Schalter.
Vollst�ndige Befehlszeile: ““C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/MSBuild/Current/Bin/amd64/MSBuild.exe” install.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:VisualStudioVersion=17.0 /v:m -j16”
Switches, die von Antwortdateien angef�gt werden:
“” stammt aus “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.rsp”
Schalter: -j16

It’s in German but I hope some of you can still tell me what the error means and maybe even how to solve it.

Thank you!

Could you upload the full log file? I’m wondering if the error is caused by something higher up.

I don’t know enough about Visual Studio to help, but the error is “Unknown switch” which means that one of the “switches” (compiler options) is unknown (or more likely misconfigured).

Edit: the switch in question is mentioned at the end
Switch: -j16. I believe it’s caused because something is passing in the j flag after double hyphens to cmake, which passes it through. Hopefully that can help someone narrow down what’s passing that argument in.

1 Like

Hello Ben,

In complement to Dhruv’s answer, here is a copy of my answer to your mail, from the USD Google Group:

The error arises because -j16 is passed to the underlying build system, MSBuild in your case, which doesn’t understand it.

You could either:

  • remove the double hypen (--) near the end of your command and keep -j16, which CMake interprets and translates for the underlying build system. This works with all build systems supported by CMake.
  • keep the double hypen and replace -j16 by -maxcpucount:16, which is the equivalent of -j16 for MSBuild. This only works with MSBuild.

Hope that helps!

1 Like

I’m just seeing this now, sorry for the late reply. actually does have code to format the multi-processing switch and pass /m:<cpucount> for Visual Studio. For some reason though, that code doesn’t seem to be firing. I’m kind of wondering if it’s not detecting Visual Studio properly, perhaps because of the locale difference.

One possible workaround would be to pass --generator "Visual Studio 17 2022 as an argument when running That ought to give the build script enough info to workaround this.

@CST_Sami I can’t quite remember but I feel like we’ve run into issues in the past where passing something like -j16 would fail on macOS because the CMake Xcode generator was expecting -j 16 instead. Does that sound familiar?

I realise I have misread your message @Createdbybenm, and that cmake --build . --config Release --target install – -j16 is in fact generated by I thought that was run manually by you. I’m sorry!

Did you execute the python build command line in a “x64 Native Tool Command Prompt for VS2022”? This is what I’m refering to:

If not, did you call vcvarsall.bat x64 or vcvars64.bat in your terminal before executing the python build command line? These Batch scripts should be located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build or somewhere around.

If not, that could solve the error you’re having.

1 Like

I have unfortunately never tried to compile USD on macOS, and I’ve never used Xcode. But from what I understand of CMake’s documentation, -j<cpucount>, -j <cpucount>, --parallel<cpucount> or --parallel <cpucount> should be properly translated by CMake to the underlying build system if any of them is passed as a standard CMake flag (as opposed to after --), from version 3.12 onward.

I believe there is a way to eliminate both the error Ben is encountering (supposing the problem comes from the absence of a varvars64.bat execution context) and to reduce the bug surface for other similar execution context issues: lines 2362 to 2690 of indicate that CMake 3.14 is the minimum required version. So it is safe to use CMake’s -j <cpucount> parallel job flag. That would mean lines 444 to 446:

Run("cmake --build . --config {config} --target install -- {multiproc}"
            multiproc=FormatMultiProcs(context.numJobs, generator)))

could be replaced by:

Run("cmake --build . --config {config} --target install -j {multiproc}"
    .format(config=config, multiproc=context.numJobs))

Since the error Ben has encountered seems to be caused by generator being None when passed to FormatMultiProcs(), that should do it. Does that look sound?

As to why the code responsible for adding /M:<cpucount> is not firing, my guess is that Ben executed the python build command line outside of a vcvars64.bat environment. This is what I believe happens in the python script, if that can help (I have reordered the functions):

def RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs = None):
    # ...

    # --generator "Visual Studio 17 2022" isn't passed to,
    # context.cmakeGenerator and generator are None
    generator = context.cmakeGenerator

    if generator is None and Windows():
        # All of these branches return False, generator remains None
        if IsVisualStudio2022OrGreater():
            generator = "Visual Studio 17 2022"
        elif IsVisualStudio2019OrGreater():
            generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019"
        elif IsVisualStudio2017OrGreater():
            generator = "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

    # ...

    # generator is still None
    Run("cmake --build . --config {config} --target install -- {multiproc}"
                    multiproc=FormatMultiProcs(context.numJobs, generator)))

def IsVisualStudio20xxOrGreater():
    VISUAL_STUDIO_20xx_VERSION = (<version>, 0)
    # This returns False
    return IsVisualStudioVersionOrGreater(VISUAL_STUDIO_20xx_VERSION)

def IsVisualStudioVersionOrGreater(desiredVersion):
    if not Windows():
        return False

    # msvcCompilerAndVersion is set to None, so False is returned
    msvcCompilerAndVersion = GetVisualStudioCompilerAndVersion()
    if msvcCompilerAndVersion:
        _, version = msvcCompilerAndVersion
        return version >= desiredVersion
    return False

def GetVisualStudioCompilerAndVersion():
    if not Windows():
        return None

    # If isn't executed in an environment iniatialised by 
    # `vcvarsall.bat x64` or `vcvars64.bat`, msvcCompiler is None
    msvcCompiler = which('cl')

    # As a consequence, None is returned
    if msvcCompiler:
        match =
            os.environ.get("VisualStudioVersion", ""))
        if match:
            return (msvcCompiler, tuple(int(v) for v in match.groups()))
    return None

def FormatMultiProcs(numJobs, generator):
    tag = "-j"
    # generator is None at this point, so -j<numJobs> is returned
    if generator:
        if "Visual Studio" in generator:
            tag = "/M:" # This will build multiple projects at once.
        elif "Xcode" in generator:
            tag = "-j "

    return "{tag}{procs}".format(tag=tag, procs=numJobs)

I hope that helps!

Hello again,
first of all sorry for the late reply I was on vacation the last days and couldn’t try out your suggestions.
But big big thanks to all of you who tried to figure out the problem I really appreciate your efforts especially that you tried to keep everything simple to understand for me :slight_smile: .
It seems like it really just was a beginners mistake because I executed the python script in the normal windows command prompt. As @CST_Sami suggested I tried it again in x64 native tools command promt and everything seemed to work. All specified dependencies (zlib, boost, TBB, materialx, opensubdiv, opencolorio) were installing and way more folders than before were created which I see as a massive improvement.
But then I got another error.

Sorry I wanted it to be a codeblock so that it doesn’t clutter the feed.

2023-09-09 10:17
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:1 (project):
  cmake_minimum_required() should be called prior to this top-level project()
  call.  Please see the cmake-commands(7) manual for usage documentation of
  both commands.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.22621.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045.
-- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.37.32822.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.37.32822.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.37.32822/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.37.32822/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:6 (cmake_minimum_required):
  Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of

  Update the VERSION argument <min> value or use a ...<max> suffix to tell
  CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions.

CMake Deprecation Warning at share/cmake/ParseArguments.cmake:27 (cmake_minimum_required):
  Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of

  Update the VERSION argument <min> value or use a ...<max> suffix to tell
  CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:59 (include)

-- Setting Build Type to: Release
-- Setting Namespace to: OpenColorIO
-- Exec prefix not specified, defaulting to D:/USD/BUILD
-- Use Boost Ptr: OFF
-- Setting python bin to: python
  File "<string>", line 1
    import sys,platform; print platform.architecture()[0]
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?
  File "<string>", line 1
    from distutils import sysconfig; print '%s/libs' % sysconfig.get_config_var('prefix')
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?
-- Setting EXTDIST_BINPATH: D:/USD/BUILD/build/OpenColorIO-1.1.0/ext/dist/bin
CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.27/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):
  Could NOT find Git (missing: GIT_EXECUTABLE)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.27/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:600 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.27/Modules/FindGit.cmake:128 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  CMakeLists.txt:225 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I forgot I had uninstalled git before so no woders it failed but yet I get another error. Even with git installed.
This one is expecially interesting because in the command promt it says:
ERROR: Failed to run ‘cmake --build . --config Release --target install – /M:16’
See D:\USD\BUILD\build\OpenColorIO-1.1.0\log.txt for more details.

and if you look in the log file it doesn’t.

D:\USD\BUILD\src\OpenColorIO-1.1.0\src\core\Platform.h(111,15): error C2169: "log2": Systeminterne Funktion kann nicht definiert werden [D:\USD\BUILD\build\OpenColorIO-1.1.0\src\core\OpenColorIO_STATIC.vcxproj]
D:\USD\BUILD\src\OpenColorIO-1.1.0\src\core\Platform.h(111,15): error C2169: "log2": Systeminterne Funktion kann nicht definiert werden [D:\USD\BUILD\build\OpenColorIO-1.1.0\src\core\OpenColorIO.vcxproj]
  Code wird generiert...
  Code wird generiert...
  Code wird generiert...
  Code wird generiert...

(It’s just the end of the log file because it’s way over the allowed letters and txt files aren’t allowed as upload. If some of you want the whole log file maybe you can tell me how to upload it.)
I have absolutely no idea what is wrong here every help is highly appreciated!
Thank you!

As to why this error occurs:

That being said, I’m unable to reproduce the error with compiler explorer. So I don’t understand why it appears for you.

As to how to work around the error:
I’m not sure. There may be a way to mitigate it with --build-args OpenColorIO,"-D<some_compiler_flags>", but I’m not very hopeful.

Maybe someone working with OpenColorIO and USD can share their insight here.

Are there any other errors or warnings reported in the log file or the console? You can paste the content of logs to and share them here.

Thank you I tried it with build- args but I think I’m using it wrong because it says that it requires a install_dir.
Here is the whole log file from the OCIO error before:

And this is what I used to generate the error:
python --prman --prman-location RMANTREE --opencolorio “D:\USD\BUILD”

Thank you for the log!

I tried to compile OpenColorIO myself today, using the same command line as yours. I’m encountering the same error regarding log2.

I was unable to find a “clean” workaround. I suspect (but I hope I’m wrong) the only way to get past this error in this case is to open D:\USD\BUILD\src\OpenColorIO-1.1.0\src\core\Platform.h, remove the log2 implementation line 111 to 113, and compile again.

Some additional errors you’re having are worth addressing too, such as:

error C2039: “binary_function” ist kein Member von “std”

which should be fixed by appending --build-args OpenColorIO,"-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14" at the end of your command line. This is because std::binary_function was removed from the C++ standard library with C++17, and OpenColorIO is currently likely compiling with C++17 or higher.

Those 2 errors are rather unexpected. Maybe someone working on USD with OpenColorIO may be able to shed some light here.

Thank you for investigating so much!
I did everything you said with removing the line and adding the build-argument but I#m still running into the same error.
Did you managed to compile at all after your suggested fixes?

You’re welcome!

On my side, those errors were resolved after I removed the implementation of log2 and appended --build-args OpenColorIO,"-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14". This is strange. Maybe CMake erroneously cached something that it shouldn’t have?

What happens if you delete CMakeCache.txt in D:\USD, then run the command line again?

So it builds USD without any errors when I just use
python USD\USD-release\USD-release\build_scripts\ “D:\USD\BUILD”

(without any additional plugins)
but when I try usdview it errors

C:\Users\benm>usdview USD/extras/usd/tutorials/convertingLayerFormats/Sphere.usda
Warning: in Tf_PyLoadScriptModule at line 117 of D:\USD\USD-release\USD-release\pxr\base\tf\pyUtils.cpp -- Import failed for module 'pxr.Usd'!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usd\", line 25, in <module>
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Tf\", line 88, in PreparePythonModule
    module = importlib.import_module(
  File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\importlib\", line 126, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
SystemError: type Boost.Python.enum has the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC flag but has no traverse function
Warning: in Tf_PyLoadScriptModule at line 117 of D:\USD\USD-release\USD-release\pxr\base\tf\pyUtils.cpp -- Import failed for module 'pxr.UsdGeom'!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\UsdGeom\", line 25, in <module>
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Tf\", line 88, in PreparePythonModule
    module = importlib.import_module(
  File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\importlib\", line 126, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: class pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdTimeCode
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for struct pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::Tf_TypedPyEnumWrapper<enum pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdListPosition> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for enum pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdListPosition already registered; second conversion method ignored.
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for struct pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::Tf_TypedPyEnumWrapper<enum pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdLoadPolicy> already registered; second conversion method ignored.
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for enum pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdLoadPolicy already registered; second conversion method ignored.
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for class pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdGeomBBoxCache already registered; second conversion method ignored.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\bin\usdview", line 35, in <module>
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 86, in Run
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 396, in __LaunchProcess
    (app, appController) = self.LaunchPreamble(arg_parse_result)
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 386, in LaunchPreamble
    appController = AppController(arg_parse_result, contextCreator)
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 410, in __init__
    self._dataModel = UsdviewDataModel(self._makeTimer, self._configManager.settings)
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 128, in __init__
    self._viewSettingsDataModel = ViewSettingsDataModel(self, settings)
  File "D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 136, in __init__
TypeError: StateSource.__init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'parent' and 'name'

Also I tried to delete the cache files but somehow I couldn’t because it says they aren’t in their location anymore and as soon as I close the command promt they disapear. (I think that’s the purpose of cache files?)

I even tried compiling without opencolorio and only renderman and it would cause a similar cmake error so the problem is defenitely with cmake.

The errors in your code block are likely because the PYTHONPATH environment variable doesn’t contain D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python. You can check whether that’s the case with echo %PYTHONPATH%, in your terminal, and add it manually if you’ve not already done so. D:\USD\BUILD\lib (and D:\USD\BUILD\bin, but I think that one is optional if I remember correctly) should also be added to the PATH environment variable manually.

Deleting CMakeCache.txt in D:\USD\BUILD (or maybe it’s in D:\USD, I don’t remember), which is persistent across calls to cmake, should be sufficient. I didn’t check, but deleting the CMakeCache.txt under D:\USD\BUILD\src\OpenColorIO-1.1.0 if it exists may suffice. I don’t think other CMake files or directories need to be deleted. Is there any chance you deleted the wrong file/directory? That may explain the error regarding the unlocated CMake cache.

You’d have to restore what you deleted from the bin, or delete the whole D:\USD\BUILD directory and re-run the command line to solve your issue.

I have set my variables as shown in the end of the USD build script. Or do I have to add D:\USD\BUILD\lib\python if I already have D:\USD\BUILD\lib?
Also I didn’t deleted any files at all (also not the cache ones because I wasn’t able to).

Aside from that I encountered problems when using houdini solaris because of conflicting code.

Description of Issue

I have installed the USD with the build script, and add the path and python to env variables
I tried to run usdview but it turns out get errors

the error information is below

State file not found, a new one will be created.
Warning: in operator () at line 74 of C:\Users\download\3dtest\OpenUSD-release\pxr\imaging\hgiGL\hgi.cpp -- HgiGL minimum OpenGL requirements not met. Please ensure that OpenGL is initialized and supports version 4.5.
ERROR: Usdview encountered an error while updating selection.
        Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::HdRendererPluginRegistry::CreateRenderDelegate' at line 100 in file C:\Users\download\3dtest\OpenUSD-release\pxr\imaging\hd\rendererPluginRegistry.cpp : 'Couldn't find plugin for id '
        Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdImagingGLEngine' at line 208 in file C:\Users\download\3dtest\OpenUSD-release\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : 'No renderer plugins found!'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\USD\bin\usdview", line 35, in <module>
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 86, in Run
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 396, in __LaunchProcess
    (app, appController) = self.LaunchPreamble(arg_parse_result)
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 386, in LaunchPreamble
    appController = AppController(arg_parse_result, contextCreator)
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 1140, in __init__
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 1152, in _drawFirstImage
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 1621, in paintGL
    renderer = self._getRenderer()
  File "C:\USD\lib\python\pxr\Usdviewq\", line 943, in _getRenderer
    self._renderer = UsdImagingGL.Engine()
        Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::HdRendererPluginRegistry::CreateRenderDelegate' at line 100 in file C:\Users\download\3dtest\OpenUSD-release\pxr\imaging\hd\rendererPluginRegistry.cpp : 'Couldn't find plugin for id '
        Error in 'pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::UsdImagingGLEngine' at line 208 in file C:\Users\download\3dtest\OpenUSD-release\pxr\usdImaging\usdImagingGL\engine.cpp : 'No renderer plugins found!'

Steps to Reproduce

  1. open x64 dev command tool
  2. type command usdview C:\Users\download\3dtest\OpenUSD-release\pxr\usdImaging\bin\testusdview\testenv\testUsdviewAdditive\test.usda

System Information (OS, Hardware)

Window10 Platform

Package Versions

Python 3.8