Crash when loading the moore-lane scene under usdview 24.11 Windows

I am using usd 24.11 under Windows and I’ve tried to load the moore lane scene under usdview.
I’ve got some warnings and errors and then it crashes.
Anybody can confirm this ?
Thank you.
PS : warnings and errors were :

Warning: in _MakeParamsForInputParameter at line 994 of S:\Jenkins\workspace\ECP\ecg-usd-build\ecg-usd-full-python3.11-windows\ecg-usd-build\usd\pxr\imaging\hdSt\materialNetwork.cpp -- Unrecognized connected node:
Warning: in _MakeParamsForInputParameter at line 994 of S:\Jenkins\workspace\ECP\ecg-usd-build\ecg-usd-full-python3.11-windows\ecg-usd-build\usd\pxr\imaging\hdSt\materialNetwork.cpp -- Unrecognized connected node:
Runtime Error (secondary thread): in ReadCropped at line 468 of S:\Jenkins\workspace\ECP\ecg-usd-build\ecg-usd-full-python3.11-windows\ecg-usd-build\usd\pxr\imaging\hio\stbImage.cpp -- unable to get_pixels
Warning (secondary thread): in HdStAssetUvTextureCpuData at line 140 of S:\Jenkins\workspace\ECP\ecg-usd-build\ecg-usd-full-python3.11-windows\ecg-usd-build\usd\pxr\imaging\hdSt\assetUvTextureCpuData.cpp -- Unable to read Texture 'D:\USD\CustomersScene\intel_moorelane_v1_2_0\Intel_mooreLane\textures\HDRI\bell_park_dawn_8k.hdr'.

For what it’s worth I was able to open this in 24.08 on Windows.

I get the same warnings apart from the runtime error.
OpenUSD\pxr\imaging\hdSt\materialNetwork.cpp – Unrecognized connected node:
OpenUSD\pxr\imaging\hdSt\materialNetwork.cpp – Unrecognized connected node:
But I do get this:
Warning (secondary thread): In image “intel_moorelane_v1_2_0\Intel_mooreLane\textures\HDRI\bell_park_dawn_8k.exr” mip level 1 does not exist [python]

I do think it fails on reading the HDRI somehow though for you looking at the error message found here.

It feels related to this bug reported Hydra support for purpose on lights · Issue #3059 · PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD · GitHub
On some machines you get TDR timeout and it fails, I got that on one machine on this moorlane asset, but worked on another machine so not sure what is going on.

I was not probably of much help, but hopefully this can help narrow it down a bit for you, know it worked on some machines for me on 24.08, I haven’t tried 24.11 yet.


Thanks Dan.
For us with usd 24.11, it crashed on 2 machines with the same callstack. The crash is in the Nvidia OpenGL driver.

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