Pi Prototype Propagating Scene Index removes types from Hydra prototype prims?

Hello, as per the title the PiPrototypePropagatingSceneIndex seems to remove the prim type for at least mesh and geomSubset prims, for prototypes under a point instancer. This can be observed with usdview in scene index mode using the attached scene, e.g. see prims under /rubikCubes/instancer/prototypes/geom/geo/proxy. Is there any reason for this? We are having to work around this in our own code. We are using OpenUSD 24.11, with Hydra 2.0. Thanks for any help.

rubiksCube_scatter.zip (103.6 KB)

This is related: Materials under an instancer's Prototypes are dropped in the Scene Index pipeline · Issue #3483 · PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD · GitHub