AOUSD Meet the Visionary series

The Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD) just launched the first edition of its “Meet the Visionary” editorial series focused on key figures in the Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) ecosystem. Learn about the world of 3D animation and digital technology through the lens of our first spotlight: Steve May, CTO of Pixar Animation Studios and chairperson of AOUSD. Read the blog to learn about:

  • May’s contributions to Pixar and the animation industry
  • The development, impact, and future of OpenUSD
  • The formation and mission of AOUSD

“We needed a really powerful technology to describe all of that complexity, all of that geometry, all the materials, all the lights. That’s why we created USD.” – Steve May

Read the full blog and watch the video interview with Steve May on AOUSD’s YouTube channel.

Follow AOUSD on LinkedIn and sign up for our forum so you don’t miss the next “Meet the Visionary” blog.