Using UsdImagingMeshAdaptor for custom types derived from Mesh

I am using USD for simultaneous scientific visualisation and simulation. To represent my geometry I have a range of custom concrete IsA classes derived from Mesh. I think I need to associate UsdImagingMeshAdaptor to my classes, but cannot find the appropriate configuration required for plugInfo.json.

I have managed to write a custom adaptor and associate this to one of my custom classes and all works fine. So just need to understand the json keys to associate adapter1 to class1, class2, class3 etc.

Answering my own question, a reasonable solution to this is to ensure all the classes which need the same imaging adapter applied to them (class1, class2, class3 …) are all derived from the same base class (e.g called baseClass and then write a single adaptor adaptor1 which then can be used in plugInfo.json via something like

"adapter1": {
    "bases": [
    "includeDerivedPrimTypes": true, 
    "isInternal": true, 
    "primTypeName": "baseClass"

so using the "includeDerivedPrimTypes": true.