Transforming UsdSkelSkeleton doesn't update skinned meshes

I noticed that when changing the UsdSkelSkeleton transforms the skinned meshes that are bound to that skeleton are not updated with it.

Using the USDIMAGING_CHANGES flag, I noticed the following:

  • Changing the UsdSkel only updates the skel prim itself
- Refresh queued: /root/Bones.xformOp:translate
[usdPathsToUpdate] Updating cache map for /root/Bones.xformOp:translate
[Refresh Object]: /root/Bones.xformOp:translate [ ]
[_GatherDependencies] No entry in flattened cache for /root/Bones
   - affected prim: </root/Bones>

While changing the SkelRoot I get the following:

 - Refresh queued: /root.xformOp:translate
[usdPathsToUpdate] Updating cache map for /root.xformOp:translate
[Refresh Object]: /root.xformOp:translate [ ]
[_GatherDependencies] No entry in flattened cache for /root
   - affected prim: </root/Bone001/Bone001_Shape>
  - affected prim: </root/Bones>
  - affected prim: </root/Box001>
  - affected prim: </root/Box001/skinningComputation>
  - affected prim: </root/Box001/skinningInputAggregatorComputation>

Is it intentional that when transforming the skel prim it won’t transform the skinned meshes that are bound to it?