Is there a way to suppress warning messages in the terminal with either code or environment variable? I see there is a TfErrorMark that seems to allow me to catch error messages between points but I don’t seem to see a python binding for it. (22.05) Thank you!
You can write your own diagnostic delegate to filter warnings and errors–
see Universal Scene Description: pxr/usd/usdUtils/coalescingDiagnosticDelegate.h File Reference and
OpenUSD/pxr/usd/usdUtils/testenv/testUsdUtilsCoalescingDiagnosticDelegate.py at release · PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD · GitHub
In fact, the delegate Aaron identifies can be used to suppress output, instead of coalescing it.
Thank you both! I will look into the delegate.
As an alternative, on this thread we suggested that perhaps TF_WARN
should integrate with the warning
module via PyError_Warn
. That would surface OpenUSD warnings as native python warnings (similar to how OpenUSD errors are surfaced as pyton exceptions) without having to rely on delegates to do filtering.