Looking for code examples for Hydra and ImGui

Hi everyone,
Are you aware of a project that would draw an ImGui UI on top of an Hydra render ? I’m looking for code examples.
Thank you !

The great usdtweak is using ImGui. Might worth checking it out.

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This is awesome, thank you very much !

usdtweak is awesome, see the also awesome ImGuiHydraEditor! GitHub - raph080/ImGuiHydraEditor: ImGui Hydra Editor is a USD editor written in c++ with the ImGui and OpenUSD frameworks.

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Ive also had great success with dearpygui < GitHub - hoffstadt/DearPyGui: Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies > imgui python bindings using the node editor functionality. Our team at Meta moved away to full pyQt but before we did, we had dearpygui + usdview (qt based) viewport interacting with each other in python.
It got us moving and authoring usd connections and relationships really fast despite moving away.

Hello, i work on a project where i use ImGui .
I go the other way around, i draw the hydra render on top (inside) imgui render


i first render hydra in its own render target:

then draw the render target texture in imgui

which let me “composite” on top of the hydra render

/!\ beware this project is very unstable as it is place for me to experiment with usd /!\