Hydra dirtied prims in solaris vs usdview


I’ve been playing around with a hydra SingleInputFilteringSceneIndex gameengine, and I have a physics system (via ReactPhysics3D) integrated, which “steps the world forward” every time the main “gamemanager” prim is dirtied.
I’ve added a “frame” primvar on this prim, so that it is triggered by that.

But I’m getting differences about when the gamemanager prim is dirtied… and I think I’ve seen a similar conversation before, but I can’t find it, so sorry if it has been discussed already.

In Solaris, I can playback the scene or move the timeline, and on each change, the gamemanager prim is updated (as in video below)

In usdview, I only get a continuous update if the Redraw checkbox is ticked and if the gamemanager prim is selected.
In all other circumstances, I’m only getting the “dirtied” event on press/release or at the stop of the playback, as you can see in the video below

This is running with Houdini-20.5 and usd-24.03.

Am I just missing something in the env-vars ?
I have a feeling this has been discussed in other threads…


Please, scratch this for now… I think it is all my fault… it seems to be fine with usd-24.08, so I think I’ve done something in my 24.05 setup…

sorry for the useless noise :wink: