How to set Material Binding to None?

Hi there

def Xform "Root"
    def Capsule "Capsule" (
        active = true
        prepend apiSchemas = ["MaterialBindingAPI"]
        uniform token axis = "Y"
        double height = 0.2
        rel material:binding = None (
            bindMaterialAs = "weakerThanDescendants"
        double radius = 0.1

I checked the corresponding API and found no method to set it to None. ClearTargets also does not work.


Thanks everyone, I found a way!

  auto directRel = bindingApi.GetDirectBindingRel();
  bound = directRel.SetTargets({});

There are a handful of Unbind methods you might want to consider as well.

Universal Scene Description: UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI Class Reference

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