I’d like to make sure I’m validating all my USD Files, and I want to understand how to set these in Maya. The following USD asset appears to import and work well in Reality Composer Pro, but I wanted to check the following failures from running usdchecker
> usdchecker shaderBall_2023_maya_v3.usdc --arkit
Stage does not specify an upAxis. (fails 'StageMetadataChecker')
Stage has missing or invalid defaultPrim. (fails 'StageMetadataChecker')
The stage uses 3 layers. It should contain a single usdc layer to be compatible with ARKit's implementation of usdz. (fails 'ARKitRootLayerChecker')
- upAxis - this seems to be set when exporting from Blender, but not from Maya.
- missing or invalid defaultPrim - I’m not clean on what need to be done correct this
- uses 3 layers - how much of a concern is this? I imagine I’m doing to need multiple layers in my scenes.
I can edit the upAxis and probably others directly in the USD Files, but I wanted to see if there was something else I should considering when creating these assets in Maya.
Of note, I had another error when using a .usda file (“missing linear scale”, which is in one of the sub layers) but it went away when converting to a .usdc. I assume this is expected.