Unblock after using BlockCollection?


I’d like some clarification on how BlockCollection works.

  1. Is it intended to stop the collection from targeting the Include/Exclude paths for temporary reasons?
  2. If so, once I’ve blocked a collection, is there a way to unblock it? Can I essentially mute/unmute a collection?

Scott Renaud

Hi @ScottRenaud , no - BlockCollection() is not meant to be a muting-type, transitory operation. Rather, “blocking” is our property-level concept for a non-destructive “delete”. It will author explicitly empty relationships for include/exclude… if you call them in a layer where you have defined a non-empty collection, then it will actually be destructive. But the idea is that you can use it in a stronger layer to “block” what’s coming from the weaker layers.

You can then, in that layer or any stronger, author new include/excludes; if you actually remember which layer you did the Block in, you can use ResetCollection() to remove the block, so you can kind of model a mute/unmute that way, but it’s not really the same thing as muting layers, which really removes the layer’s data from the scene, temporarily.

Ah gotchya ok that makes sense, thanks so much for the clarification @spiff!