Mac fails render with UsdImagingDelegate, HdEngine and HdStRenderDelegate

I am trying to run some renders with UsdImagingDelegate, HdEngine and HdStRenderDelegate (not UsdImagingGLEngine) with a Mac but it is not working.

Here is a simple example: (4.8 KB)
This example is the testUsdImagingGLPopOut test from OpenUSD Github.

To compile and run the example, uncompress the archive and run:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -Dpxr_DIR=/path/to/usd/installation
./testUsdImagingGLPopOut --output image ../test.usda

This will generate 9 images.

It is working fine on Windows, Linux, but not on my Macs. I tried Mac Ventura 13.6, intel, M2, USD-23.08, USD-23.11. Every time, the generated images only have background color and no geometry (here are the expected results).

Do you have any idea why it is not working ? Is it working for you ?

Thank you !