Integrating USD and IFC for the AEC Industry

Hi Everyone!

I am interested in integrating IFC (and other BIM related) metadata into USD, similar to how USDPhysics added physics simulation capabilities. Is there any work already being done on this topic?

Kind regards,

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We’re in the early phases of setting up the appropriate open governance bodies (e.g., interest group) within AOUSD for stakeholders to discuss, prototype, and standardize schemas for domains like BIM IFC. No timeframe to announce just yet.

One possible approach that we’ve briefly experimented with at NVIDIA is to automatically generate schema.usda given a BIM IFC json as input, i.e., auto-map existing BIM IFC data models to USD schemas. But that’s just a starter strawman idea for now.

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Dear Aaron,

thank you for your kind reply.

I would be very interested in participating in this work.

Even without a specific BIM USD schema, a File Format plugin (based on e.g. IFCOpenShell) would be very useful which could at the very least load the geometry, material, and rigid body physics data from an IFC model.

Kind regards,

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Thanks-- will update here when the appropriate group is stood up in AOUSD for participation :pray:t3:


FYI We have integrated IFC support and also STEP support in Multiverse on request on one special client.

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Hello everyone,

I’m very much interested in this topic as well - being an licensed architect and tech founder. Anything I can help to contribute to this topic, feel free to reach out/include me.


We actually have the beginnings of a USD serializer in IfcOpenShell [0]. Would be super exciting to expand on this and see what kind of BIM usecases can be facilitated by USD’s layered composition. I’m a bit short on time the coming months, but let me know if somebody is interested in in exploring this within the IfcOpenShell project.

[0] IfcOpenShell/src/serializers/USDSerializer.cpp at v0.8.0 · IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell · GitHub

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Converter IFC 4 to IFC 5

Good morning,

USE IFC5 VIEW: Integrating USD and IFC for the AEC Industry - #8 by DeanDelmo

Has anyone developed a program to Convert IFC 2 or 4 to IFC 5 Universal Scene Description (USD)?

What would be the description of the project, object, Scope, Legal References, Standards, Definitions, Abbreviations, Standard Specifications, Responsibilities, Records, Controls and Documentation?

What is the download link?

Best regards