Hi Experts,
I have a question about the net transform animation.
Please see attached keyframe_animation_mesh_transform.usda (1.7 KB): it contains one Xform prim named “Ins1” with the transform animation. “Ins1” has a nested Xform prim named “Ins2” with another transform animation.
When I compute the net transform animation on Xform prim “Inst2” by myself, I save the computed data into attached keyframe_animation_mesh_transform_2.usda (1.4 KB). However, when I play the animation in usdview for keyframe_animation_mesh_transform.usda and keyframe_animation_mesh_transform_2.usda, the animation looks different. Do you know the reason for it? How compute the correct net transform animation on “Inst2”?
def Xform “Ins1” (
kind = “group”
def Xform “Ins2” (
kind = “component”
float3 xformOp:rotateXYZ.timeSamples = {
1: (10, 10, 10),
2: (20, 20, 20),
3: (30, 30, 30),
4: (40, 40, 40),
5: (50, 50, 50),
6: (60, 60, 60),
7: (70, 70, 70),
8: (80, 80, 80),
9: (90, 90, 90),
10: (100, 100, 100),
uniform token[ ] xformOpOrder = [“xformOp:rotateXYZ”]