I am trying to build openUSD with the recommended flag for disabling the search for the static Python library, on Ubuntu:
python build_scripts/build_usd.py ~/openusd-builds/ --build-args USD,"-DPXR_PY_UNDEFINED_DYNAMIC_LOOKUP=ON"
Though I clearly have the dynamic versions, i.e. libpython3.12.so
I wiped out and reinstalled Python (3.12) via Miniconda and also removed any cached cmake files, etc.
Is there another flag I should be passing in so that the generated cmake command does not try to look for the .a file which doesn’t exist in the conda installation?
-- Disabling boost-provided cmake config
CMake Error at /snap/cmake/1409/share/cmake-3.30/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:233 (message):
Could NOT find Python3 (missing: Development Development.Embed) (found
version "3.12.4")
Reason given by package:
Development: Cannot find the library "/home/fjsinis/miniconda3/lib/libpython3.12.a"