I am trying to find out how to navigate the following challenge.
We do have to support multiple USD versions (usd 21.08 - usd 23), and we want to use multipleApply API Schemas inheriting from existing applied Schemas (<=usd-21.08) respective Built-In applied Schemas.
Our plan was to have a Multi-ApplyAPI that adds some extra attributes to a CollectionAPI.
with a propertyNamespacePrefix = "foo"
And while the schema-definition differs between <=21.08 and the rest.
inherits =</CollectionAPI>
inherits = </APISchemaBase>
prepend apiSchemas=['CollectionAPI']
We do see a difference in the scenes created.
A scene created in usd-21.08 (Our schema using inheritance), the collection attributes are called
A scene create in usd-22.05 using built-in schemas the collection-attributes will be called
So scenes generated in usd-21.08 and in usd-22.05 dont seem to be incompatible.
Do you have a suggestion as to what we can/should change in our Schema-definiton perhaps? to make sure we generate data that is compatible ?
Thank you for your help!