Edge cases in the proposal for Variant Set Metadata

Since the proposed new way would add an optional dictionary variantDisplayNames to a variantSet s meta data, would this mean another variantSet on the same prim could over it’s (not yet set) content for different languages?
Also this could tamper with displayGroup and other UI related meta data.

Please either warn about doing so, and/or make UI developers aware of possible unexpected mutations.

As a developer from Europe, I’m very much interested in localized UI texts for end users (think AR Quick Look assets)


Thanks Thomas. We should certainly add it to the set of test cases to make sure things behave as expected.

Whether or not a variant could override a sibling variant set’s fields would not be changed by the proposal and I think is just dependent on the ordering of the variantSets. Right now in the internal object model, the only field a variantSet contains is variantNames.

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