USD Assets WG Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 25th, 2023, 9am Pacific (EMEA-friendly time!)
Additional information: USD Assets - USD Working Group - Confluence
Calendar: | Calendar
Meeting Notes
- Thumbnailer updates (@Andy Beers)
- Payloads & bounding boxes discussion, thread (@Christian López Barrón)
- Directory restructuring update (@Jeremy Cowles)
- Update on repository build (Jeremy to give @Felix Herbst’s update)
- Subcomponent examples, see PR (@Lucas Morante)
Please feel free to reach out to us or come to the meeting with new items - all are welcome!
What is the USD Assets working group?
The mission is to foster information exchange within the USD community regarding USD asset import/export, asset structure, testing, and schema design. The overarching goal of this group is to bolster the U of USD.
If you have an example asset to share, we’d love to discuss your contribution.
If you have a design question and are looking for advice, we’re here to help.
If you are creating a new schema and would like feedback, come present it.
If you’d like to be a fly on the wall and just listen, anyone is welcome to join!