ASWF USD Working Group | 2024-04-10

Hi everyone,

The USD working group is meeting tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday, April 10th at 1pm Pacific (PDT). Everyone is welcome to join.

The agenda for this meeting is:

  • Call for volunteer to take meeting notes
  • USD sub-working group updates
  • USD proposals roundup
  • Spiff: Revise Use of Layer Metadata in USD ( proposal )
  • Sunya Boonyatera: Replacing boost::python with pybind11
  • Tyler Hubbard: hdUsdWriter plugin - Render to text delegate ( PR )

Meeting link (LFX registration is optional):

Meeting notes can be found here:

Please feel free to reach out to us, comment below or come to the meeting with new items, question, and ideas - all are welcome!


I can’t make it to this meeting but, would it be possible to record the hdUsdWriter presentation ? :slight_smile:

Yes, we’re recording it and try to make it available afterwards.

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We ran out of time for Tyler’s presentation. We’ll have it tomorrow instead: ASWF USD Working Group | 2024-04-24